Survival Stories 03: Capsized

Survival Stories 03: Capsized

1 minute

"I was thinking we're all gonna die," says12-year-old Brayden Taylor. 

Plans for a sunny day fishing off the coast of Amelia Island, Florida took a wild turn for Brayden, his grandpa Jamie Deonas, and a friend when a sudden storm hit. In the blink of an eye, they found themselves fighting to stay afloat as water flooded their vessel.  

Putting on their PFDs—which had arrived just the day before—prior to the boat capsizing, saved their lives as they spent two hours in the water while three storms pummeled them before being rescued. 



For Jamie, a seasoned mariner, it was a wake-up call. Although, previously, he always knew where the life jackets were, from now on, he swears he won't go on the water without wearing one.  

What started as a fun day out became a survival lesson, reminding everyone of how unpredictable Mother Nature can be. 

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