Bill McDonald fell in love with the outdoors as a kid fishing on farm ponds at his grandparent’s home in Tennessee, and the strip pits in Brazil, Indiana. Most of his family vacations were based around the kind of things Field & Stream write about — fishing, hunting and all things adventure.
At a young age, Bill started fishing local Bass Federation and Red Man tournaments. He kept fishing and working hard until he eventually turned those childhood experiences into his full-time career and lifestyle.

With over 25 years of tournaments under his belt, Bill says his secret for success is keeping his life focused around the four F’s; faith, family, food, and of course — fishing.
Bill is committed to inspiring younger generations to get out on the water. He regularly volunteers his time at children’s fishing camps and if he is not on the tournament trail, he’s out on the boat with his grandkids.
- Bill fishing in the Men's Taku Waterproof Jacket
He’s proud to have aligned himself with the best partners the fishing industry has to offer, including Mustang Survival. Mustang Survival PFDs and rain gear allow Bill to remain safe on the water no matter what the elements throw his way.
Fast facts:
- Has fished over 200 events with Major League Fishing
- Of these he’s had 19 top 10 finishes and 4 wins
- Has had two title appearances where he has qualified for the MLF Championships
- Volunteers at kids fishing events annually in 3 different states
Bill McDonald's gear of choice: Accel 100 Fishing Vest
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